Credit Card Merchant Account


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Merchant Account Credit Card Processing

How much do you really know about Merchant Account Credit Card Processing? If you’re like most new business owners today, you may have very little information about this valuable e-commerce service. A merchant account works much like a personal credit card account, except that you use it for company purposes. Providing your business with a merchant account not only conveys a credit line to promote growth, but it also can include a service package that supports new technical services that your company may adopt, including credit card processing services.

Think about the last time you visited a new shop or interesting tourist site. Finding something you wanted to purchase, you waited a few minutes in the checkout line behind other customers for your turn to pay. Presenting your desired purchase item to the cashier, she rings up the total as you take out a credit card.

“Sorry,” she says curtly, “cash only, since the boss hasn’t applied for Merchant Account Credit Card Processing yet. We don’t accept credit cards.”

“What!” You fume silently as you fumble in your purse for the requisite amount, realizing that using your last few dollars for this picturesque coffee table book will eat up your parking money and fast food stop, and wondering how anyone could neglect the option of “Merchant Account Credit Card Processing.” Ah, thankfully the drive-through restaurants take credit cards now, so with a sigh you scrape the last of your change from your billfold to pay the cashier. Turn this scenario around and you can understand how some of your customers might feel when your company accepts payments in cash only. Isn’t it time you started accepting credit card payments?

Think of your customers’ gratitude when they realize you offer Merchant Account Credit Card Processing options for their benefit. They will throng to your store, eager to buy things with their trusty credit card without the worry of trumping up a fistful of cash or writing a check that might deplete an account. With pride you can post a sign that lets them know before they reach the checkout line that you are ready to accept their credit cards. Your colleagues will take your business a little more seriously when they see how committed you are to serving your clients’ needs and staying current with e-commerce methods. Even your employees, if you have them, will appreciate the fact of having less collection work to do when monthly payments fail to materialize as scheduled or a check gets rejected at the bank.

Making the move to credit card processing may be the best decision of your professional career. Opening an account with a trusted lender will let you experiment with credit payment acceptance and measure your customers’ responses to this new option. Don’t be the last in your business community to get a commercial account that will let you try new services that can benefit your customers and your company. Join the electronic age now by applying for Merchant Account Credit Card Processing.

Shane Penrod is the founder of Specializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to

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