Credit Card Merchant Account


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Credit card processing - how credit card works

Nowadays, 80% of consumers use credit cards to pay for products and services online. If you don't have credit card payments facilities for your business, you are losing customers and profits. Customers prefer credit cards because they are safe, secure and easy to use.

The process that will check customer's credit card number, expiry date and other transactions related with credit cards is known as credit card processing. It can be achieved manually but this process is really difficult and more time consuming. The best option is to automate it. This can be done by using different types of software, buying or leasing other people's processing services or by writing a program/script.

There are different types of credit card processing software that makes merchant account more secure and improves processing speed. There three main types of online credit card processing are virtual terminal, simple integration method and advanced integration method.

A virtual terminal was used before the Internet age. A simple integration method makes direct link between your site and bank system and you can directly accept transactions through Internet. With the help of advanced integration method, you can link your system to more multifaceted systems.

The main benefits of these various systems comprises the ability to show all of your information from the internet without making manual transactions impossible, setting up recurring billing cycles and protection against fraudulent transactions. The businesses that accept credit card payments will improve their sales and profits exponentially. Accepting credit card payments makes a business look more professional and established. Credit card processing ensures optimal customer service and convenience.

The author presents the website on credit card processing . It covers meaning of credit card processing, types and benefits of credit card processing. You can visit his site on

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