Credit Card Merchant Account


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Third Party Credit Card Processing

It is hard for a business entrepreneur to obtain an internet merchant account. An internet merchant account holder has to pay for a secure server, expensive credit card processing software, customer service fees, minimum transaction fees, monthly gateway fees etc.

If you are starting a new business, third party credit card processing firms can accept credit card orders on your behalf. For each transaction, the company will charge 3% to 15% of the sales price of each product. For setting up the service, the 3rd party processors usually charge a small one-time fee or sometimes provide free service. Third party credit card processing is recommended only in the starting phase of a business when cash is less and the products for sale are limited in number. Once the business is established and if your funds allow you to purchase an internet merchant account, it is wise to buy one. However, if your gross revenue is less than $650 per month, it is recommended not to set up a gateway/internet merchant account.

You can sign up for third party credit card processing by paying the prescribed fee if any, and get approval. Now you are eligible to create ordering links for your products. These ordering links go to the 3rd party processor's server and they will handle orders for you. The 3rd party processors provide ordering options, which include online checks, credit cards, telephone ordering option, etc. When a deal is through, you will easily get the money due to you, minus the transaction charges.

Third party processing is a great option for non-US businesses; however, if your revenue goes beyond $650 per month, a merchant account would be cost effective compared to 3rd party processing. It would be wise to consult an e-commerce specialist before you make use of this application of e-commerce for your business.

Credit Card Processing provides detailed information on Credit Card Processing, Online Credit Card Processing, Credit Card Processing Software, Wireless Credit Card Processing and more. Credit Card Processing is affiliated with Wireless Credit Card Terminals.

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