Credit Card Merchant Account


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Business Credit Card Processing - The Benefits

In developing a personal, home-based, or small community business, you may find that it will grow to the point that informal transactions are no longer advisable – this is where business credit card processing comes into the picture. You will need to upgrade your operational methods in order to provide customers with the highest quality of doing business with your company, which will undoubtedly include the benefits of business credit card processing.

Some merchants prefer to keep accounts on a cash-only basis. They believe that money transactions can be handled more quickly and accurately than business credit card processing. However, what they do not take into account is the amount of manual labor and the potential for human error that typically accompany cash transactions. That is why, as your business grows, it may be time to invest in a credit card processing system.

Inexpensive and easy to operate, a business credit card processing program will attract customers who enjoy the ease of doing business with your organization. They will not need to bring in the right amount of cash or worry about overspending. Instead, they can shop for your products and services with an easy mind, knowing that you will provide the convenience of a credit card payment system. Whether you sell used books or handmade baby clothes, a credit card payment option generally attracts more clients who are willing to spend more than the person who operates on a cash basis.

Wherever your business is headed, the going may be slow unless you decide to grow your operation with business credit card processing. Low monthly or per-transaction fees make this equipment upgrade very affordable, even to merchants who are still building a relatively small business. For example, some companies require a small monthly gateway fee of perhaps $20 to $25 or so in addition to a small rate per customer credit card transaction. You may have the choice of paying perhaps 1.5% or 1.75% or 15 to 25 cents for each swipe of the card. Some companies don’t even charge installation fees. A simply monthly statement reflects the amount of business your new system is bringing to the company. If after a few months you feel the program doesn’t work well for your operation, you can always stop using it and go back to the old way of doing things.

You can set up a retail credit card processing program using a swiped card method of processing payments. Or you can use MOTO for mainstream commerce. There is even an e-commerce option when you are ready for the next step. Most systems are compatible with numerous quality banking platforms for safe, easy processing. It is important to work with a credit card processing company that you can trust. Find one with a solid reputation for quality business dealings. Get in touch with staff members to ask questions and learn more about the equipment, service and maintenance, as well as possible benefits and problems with a credit card processor. Only then should you consider signing a contract for the valuable and exciting services provided by a business credit card processing program.

Shane Penrod is the founder of Specializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to

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